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Shaina scaled Kickit's revenue in just 1 month of management! 🚀

Mar 1, 2024
Shaina 1

"It's always a great time when you're able to scale a client while also becoming more efficient. Seeing this awesome growth after month 1, I'm super excited to see where Kickit will go from here!"

  • To start, we overhauled the entire PPC account.
  • We implemented a KW harvesting strategy to take converting keywords from discovery campaigns, like auto and broad, and target them in exact match.
  • We broke out campaigns by product and match type for better control .
  • Variation testing and cross-selling A+ content modules for similar products to help piggy-back low traffic listings.
  • We used brand analytics to find high converting queries with low impression share to push up on in PPC.


48% Up Arrow
Ad Revenue
64% Up Arrow
11% Up Arrow
Total Revenue
55% Up Arrow

How you do one thing is how you do everything.

You need someone in your corner willing to track, strategize, and, not just manage, but absolutely conquer your marketing. Luckily for you, that's what we do best. We're ready when you are.